Chicagoland Apartment Association PAC Contributions to City Council Races and Ward Committees: 2004 - present


  • The Chicagoland Apartment Association PAC has donated a total of $203,200 to City Council candidates and Ward Committees since 2004.

  • Presently sitting Chicago alderman have taken a total of $121,200 from the CAA since 2004.

  • 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly alone has taken 14 contributions worth $17,250.

  • 44th Ward Alderman and Zoning Committee Chair Tom Tunney has taken 14 contributions worth $11,050.

  • 26 of the 50 current members of City Council have accepted donations from the CAA PAC.


  • In 2019, the CAA contributed to 3 incumbent aldermen (Patrick O’Connor, Deb Mell, Joe Moreno) and one challenger (Amanda Yu Dietrich) who were defeated by 4 members of the council’s Socialist caucus.

  • CAA had previously contributed to then-incumbent aldermen Danny Solis and Willie Cochran, who both went on to resign from City Council after involvement in federal corruption investigations. Their seats have since been filled by the council’s other 2 Socialist caucus members.